SDK Changelog

This page provides release information about our React Native SDK.


Released 2024-05-29

Patch Changes

  • Require non-null session_token in updateSession()
  • Added IDP type to SSO connections


Released 2024-05-07

Patch Changes

  • Loosen typings for various options to accept both string literals and TypeScript enums


Released 2024-04-26

Minor Changes

  • Add stytch.organization.getBySlug method to B2B clients


Released 2024-04-25

Minor Changes

  • Migrate from the deprecated Google One Tap implementation to Google Credential Manager

  • Add methods for using redirect based OAuth flows for Google and Apple, instead of the native flows

Migration guide

Due to necessary updates to underlying Google packages to support Google Credential Manager on Android 14, Android builds now require a compileSdk version of 34. This necessitates an upgrade of the Android Gradle Plugin to >= 8.1.1. The easiest way to accomplish this is to upgrade to React Native >= 0.73.0, or Expo >= 50.

If you have an existing, bare React Native project (ie: you have an android folder in your codebase), you can edit your android/build.gradle file to specify a compileSdk version of 34, and follow the Android Studio AGP upgrade assistant (Tools > AGP Upgrade Assistant...) to upgrade your project.

To use the redirect-based OAuth flows for Google and Apple, use the new startWithRedirect() methods, like so:



Released 2024-04-19

Patch Changes

  • Remove import of unavailable dependency introduced in previous release


Released 2024-04-18

Minor Changes

  • Add stytch.onStateChange event listener to headless clients
  • Add getInfo method to user, session, member, and organization


Released 2024-01-29

Patch Changes

  • Fixed React Native Sign in with Apple not returning name values

NOTE: From v0.21.1 onwards, in order to use Apple OAuth, you must toggle Manage user data setting ON in the Frontend SDK settings of your Dashboard.


Migration guide

We have made significant changes to the Stytch React Native SDK to make installation and configuration easier for developers. This is a migration guide for all developers using the Stytch React Native and React Native Expo SDKs prior to v0.8.

  • If you are currently using Expo Go, start at Development builds below.
  • If you are currently using Expo development builds, start at Stytch React Native Expo SDK below.
  • Otherwise, start at Stytch React Native SDK near the bottom of this section.

Development builds

The Stytch React Native SDK requires the use of custom native code for the best auth experience. Expo Go does not allow custom native code, and as a result, we no longer support apps using Expo Go.

We recommend moving to development builds to support custom native code and to continue using the Stytch React Native SDK. You may want to complete the steps in Stytch React Native Expo SDK and Stytch React Native SDK before starting to create a development build to have the correct dependencies set up. The Expo documentation provides an in-depth guide for creating a development build, but these are the main steps:

  1. Create an Expo account if you don't already have one.
  2. Install the eas-cli package globally.
    npm install -g eas-cli
  3. Log into your Expo account.
    eas login
  4. Install the expo-dev-client package in your project.
    npx expo install expo-dev-client
  5. Create a development build using EAS Build.
    eas build

Stytch React Native Expo SDK

All React Native and Expo projects can now use @stytch/react-native. The @stytch/react-native-expo package will no longer be maintained but is still available for existing customers using this version.

To migrate your Expo project to @stytch/react-native, the only changes that you'll need to make to your are installing the @stytch/react-native package and uninstalling the @stytch/react-native-expo package (along with other dependencies that are no longer required):

# Remove old package and dependencies
npm uninstall @stytch/react-native-expo @stytch/react-native-modules react-native-keychain react-native-device-info react-native-get-random-values

# Install new package
npm install @stytch/react-native @stytch/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn

Stytch React Native SDK

The @stytch/react-native-modules package is now included in @stytch/react-native by default.

Some of the previous dependencies for @stytch/react-native can be removed, this includes react-native-keychain, react-native-device-info, and react-native-get-random-values.

We recommend removing these old dependencies and adding the new @stytch/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn dependency to keep your build clean:

# Remove old dependencies
npm uninstall @stytch/react-native-modules react-native-keychain react-native-device-info react-native-get-random-values

# Install new dependency
npm install @stytch/react-native-inappbrowser-reborn


@stytch/react-native@0.6.0 updates the useStytchUser and useStytchSession hooks. The useStytchUser and useStytchSession hooks now return envelope objects, {(user, fromCache)} and {(session, fromCache)} respectively. On first render, the SDK will read the user or session out of local storage, and serve them with fromCache: true. The SDK will make network requests to update the user and session objects, and serve them with fromCache: false.