Stytch Client options

The Stytch Client can be configured by passing in an optional object as the second parameter. This currently lets developers configure options related to the cookies set by Stytch's SDK.

Stytch automatically saves the user's session in two cookies: stytch_session that will contain the opaque session token returned from the API and stytch_session_jwtthat will contain the session JWT returned from the API.

import { StytchHeadlessClient } from "@stytch/vanilla-js"


const stytchOptions = {
  cookieOptions: {
    opaqueTokenCookieName: "my_stytch_session",
    jwtCookieName: "my_stytch_session_jwt",
    path: "/",
    availableToSubdomains: false,
    domain: "",

const stytchClient = new StytchHeadlessClient(STYTCH_PUBLIC_TOKEN, stytchOptions)


  "cookieOptions": {
     * The name of the cookie containing the opaque Stytch session token.
     * Defaults to `stytch_session`
    "opaqueTokenCookieName": "string",

     * The name of the cookie containing the opaque Stytch session token.
     * Defaults to `stytch_session_jwt`
    "jwtCookieName": "string",

     * What HTTP paths the cookies should be available on.
     * Equal to configuring the `;path=${}` param in the set-cookie directive.
     * Defaults to unset.
    "path": "string",
     * What domain the cookies should be available on.
     * Equal to configuring the `;domain=${}` param in the set-cookie directive.
     * Requires setting availableToSubdomains to have any effect.
     * Defaults to unset.
    "domain": "string",

     * Whether to make the cookies available to subdomains.
     * When true, equivalent to configuring the `;domain=${}` directive
     * When false, equivalent to leaving the directive unset
     * Defaults to false.
    "availableToSubdomains": "boolean"