The Get SSO Connections method wraps the Get SSO Connections API endpoint. The organization_id will be automatically inferred from the logged-in Member's session. This method cannot be used to get SSO connections from other Organizations.
Get SSO Connections
Response fields
request_id string
status_code int
saml_connections array[Object]
oidc_connections array[Object]
external_connections array[Object]
import { useStytchB2BClient } from '@stytch/react/b2b';
export const GetSSOConnections = () => {
const stytch = useStytchB2BClient();
const getSSOConnections = () => {
return <button onClick={getSSOConnections}>Get SSO Connections</button>;
"request_id": "request-id-test-b05c992f-ebdc-489d-a754-c7e70ba13141",
"status_code": 200,
"saml_connections": [{...}, {...}],
"oidc_connections": [{...}, {...}],
"external_connections": [{...}, {...}]