Examine and introspect an access token locally. All standard and custom claims will be returned. No network calls are made when invoking this API method.
An error will be thrown if the token is not active.
This method supports only access tokens.
Consumer Authentication
API reference
Connected Apps
Authenticate Access Token (Local)
Examine and introspect an access token locally. All standard and custom claims will be returned. No network calls are made when invoking this API method.
An error will be thrown if the token is not active.
This method supports only access tokens.
# No network calls for local API method.
"subject": "member-test-32fc5024-9c09-4da3-bd2e-c9ce4da9375f",
"scope": "openid email profile",
"audience": ["PROJECT_ID"],
"client_id": "idp-client-test-d731954d-dab3-4a2b-bdee-07f3ad1be888",
"expires_at": 1738848103,
"issued_at": 1738844503,
"issuer": "stytch.com/PROJECT_ID",
"token_type": "access_token"