Get claims about the authenticated end-user, using an Access Token. Claims that do not exist will be omitted.
The contents of the response depend on the scopes granted to the client:
- All responses will always contain the sub claim.
- If the profile scope is granted, the name, given_name, family_name, profile_picture, and locale claims will be returned.
- If the email scope is granted, the email and email_verified claims will be returned.
- If the phone scope is granted, the phone_number and phone_number_verified claims will be returned.
You can call this endpoint via both GET and POST.
Important: Unlike other Stytch API endpoints, this endpoint is not authenticated with a project_id and project_secret pair. Instead, it is authenticated via the access_token of an active Connected App Client within the current project. You will need to pass the access token as a header with the "bearer" prefix.
This endpoint implements the OpenID Connect Core 1.0 UserInfo Endpoint.