B2B Saas Authentication







Next.js Quickstart

This quickstart guide covers the essential steps to start integrating Stytch’s B2B SaaS Authentication in a Next.js application.


Stytch offers developers a Next.js SDK which includes pre-built UI components with customizable login and signup forms, alongside a collection of headless methods for integrating with your own custom UI.

For server-side rendering (SSR) support, you'll also need to integrate our Node SDK.

In this guide, we will walk your through initial set up of a Discovery flow login form with our prebuilt UI components.

Want to skip straight to the source code? Check out an example app here.

Getting started

Install Stytch SDKs and configure your API keys

If you haven't already, create a Stytch B2B Project in your Stytch Dashboard.

Add our frontend NextJS SDK package to your Next.js application:

npm install @stytch/nextjs @stytch/vanilla-js --save

Add your Stytch project's public_token to your application as an environment variable in a .env file:

# .env
# The below values may be found in your Stytch Dashboard: https://stytch.com/dashboard/api-keys

Configure Stytch SDK settings

To allow the Stytch SDK to run on your frontend, you'll also need to:

  1. Enable frontend SDKs in Test in your Stytch Dashboard here.
  2. Add the domain your application will run on (e.g. http://localhost:3000) to the list of Domains under Authorized applications.
  3. Enable the Create organizations toggle under Enabled methods. This isn't required, but this setting will allow users to create new Organizations directly from our SDK.

Create the UI client and wrap your application in <StytchB2BProvider>

First, initialize the Stytch UI client by invoking the createStytchB2BUIClient constructor function, passing in your Project's public token.

Next, pass the Stytch UI client to the StytchB2BProvider component at the root of your application, making it accessible to all child components.

// pages/_app.jsx
import { StytchB2BProvider } from '@stytch/nextjs/b2b';
import { createStytchB2BUIClient } from '@stytch/nextjs/b2b/ui';

// optional object for configuring SDK cookie behavior, currently showing defaults
const stytchOptions = {
  cookieOptions: {
    opaqueTokenCookieName: "stytch_session",
    jwtCookieName: "stytch_session_jwt",
    path: "",
    availableToSubdomains: false,
    domain: "",

const stytchClient = createStytchB2BUIClient(

export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) {
  return (
         // Truncated

      <StytchB2BProvider stytch={stytchClient}>
          <div className="container">
            <Component {...pageProps} />

Add the <StytchB2B> UI component

Create a StytchB2B component. You can configure which authentication flow and methods you'd like to offer by modifying the authFlowType and products fields respectively in your config object. Here's an example that uses our Discovery flow and utilizes our Email Magic Links product:

// src/components/LoginOrSignupDiscoveryForm.jsx
import { StytchB2B } from '@stytch/nextjs/b2b';
import { AuthFlowType, B2BProducts } from '@stytch/vanilla-js/b2b';

export const LoginOrSignupDiscoveryForm = () => {
   const config = {
      products: [B2BProducts.emailMagicLinks],
      sessionOptions: { sessionDurationMinutes: 60 },
      authFlowType: AuthFlowType.Discovery,

   return <StytchB2B config={config} />;

For Email Magic Links, you must specify a redirect URL in your Project's Dashboard to authenticate the token. By default, the redirect URL is set to http://localhost:3000/authenticate.

If the <StytchB2B> component is rendered on the redirect URL used for this flow, the Email Magic Link token will automatically be authenticated. You can specify additional Redirect URLs in your Project's Dashboard, and override the default by passing in an explicit emailMagicLinksOptions.discoveryRedirectURL to your UI config.

You can read more about redirect URLs in this guide.

Add the <LoginOrSignupDiscoveryForm> component to your login page

Finally, add the LoginOrSignupDiscoveryForm component we just created to the /authenticate page. You'll notice that we check for a logged-in user before displaying the LoginOrSignupDiscoveryForm component.

// pages/authenticate.jsx
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { useStytchUser } from '@stytch/nextjs';
import { LoginOrSignupDiscoveryForm } from "src/components/LoginOrSignupDiscoveryForm";

export default function Authenticate() {
  const { user, isInitialized } = useStytchUser();
  const router = useRouter();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (isInitialized && user) {
      // Redirect the user to an authenticated page if they are already logged in
  }, [user, isInitialized, router]);

  return <LoginOrSignupForm />;

What's next

Check out our product-specific guides for how to handle full authentication flows for each product you'd like to support, like Email Magic Links and OAuth.