Ruby On Rails Quickstart
Ruby on Rails
This quickstart guide outlines the essential steps to integrate Stytch’s B2B SaaS Authentication product within a Ruby on Rails application.
Stytch offers a Ruby SDK that can be integrated within Rails applications either stand-alone, for an entirely backend integration with Stytch, or alongside our frontend SDKs. This guide covers the steps for an entirely backend integration with Stytch.
Learn more about different integration methods and their benefits by visiting our integration guides.
Getting Started
To begin, we'll set up Email Magic Links utilizing our Discovery flow.
1Install Stytch SDK and configure your API Keys
Create a Stytch B2B Project in your Stytch Dashboard if you haven't already.
Add the Stytch gem to your application's Gemfile and run bundle install:
gem 'stytch'
Configure your Stytch Project's API keys as environment variables:
# Use your Project's 'test' or 'live' credentials
2Set up your Rails app
Initialize the Stytch client and define routes and controller actions to handle authentication:
# config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
post 'login', to: 'authentication#login'
get 'authenticate', to: 'authentication#authenticate'
# app/controllers/authentication_controller.rb
class AuthenticationController < ApplicationController
def stytch_client
@stytch_client ||=
project_id: ENV['STYTCH_PROJECT_ID'],
def login
email = params[:email]
response =
email_address: email
render json: response
rescue => e
render json: { error: e.message }, status: :internal_server_error
def authenticate
token = params[:token]
response = stytch_client.magic_links.discovery.authenticate(discovery_magic_links_token: token)
render plain: "Hello, #{response.email_address}! Complete the Discovery flow by creating an Organization with your intermediate session token: #{response.intermediate_session_token}."
rescue => e
render plain: e.message, status: :unauthorized
For Email Magic Links, you must specify a redirect URL in your Project's Dashboard to authenticate the token. By default, the redirect URL is set to http://localhost:3000/authenticate.
You can specify additional Redirect URLs in your Project's Dashboard, and override the default by passing in an explicit discovery_redirect_url argument.
You can read more about redirect URLs in this guide.
3Test your application
Run your Ruby on Rails application and send a POST request to the /login endpoint with an email address to test the Discovery auth flow. You will recieve an email in your inbox with an Email Magic Link, which redirects you to the /authenticate endpoint or the redirect URL you set in your [Dashboard].
4What's next
Check out our product-specific guides for how to handle full authentication flows for each product you'd like to support, like Email Magic Links and OAuth.