SDK Changelog
This page provides release information about our frontend JavaScript SDK packages.
Vanilla JS SDK
Released 2024-12-05
Patch Changes
Add DFPPA to OTP Email Login Or Create
Released 2024-12-03
Patch Changes
Fix organization slug matching when using wildcard domains in test environments
Improve Admin Portal's JIT Provisioning UX
Released 2024-11-26
Patch Changes
- Relax the requirement for products specified in the UI config to have a corresponding *Options configuration set if the product can use default options.
Released 2024-11-26
Patch Changes
Admin Portal's SSO Connection Details page now has a Test Connection button for active SSO connections.
Allows discovery password reset flows to work without providing an explicit password reset url
Released 2024-11-20
Minor Changes
Update text on Password Reset Flows
Patch Changes
Fix issue where B2B UI login methods in certain combinations were shown in a different order than specified
Released 2024-11-13
Minor Changes
Support email OTP in B2B UI
Add Email OTP Allowed Auth Method
Released 2024-11-12
Minor Changes
Add in Cross-Org Password Flows to SDK UI
Released 2024-11-11
Patch Changes
Improved error message for ad_blocker_detected
Remove workaround for setting cookies in older versions of Firefox
Error messages in the StytchLogin component no longer overflows the container
Released 2024-11-01
Patch Changes
Gracefully handle localStorage exceptions
Released 2024-10-30
Minor Changes
Adds support for GitHub as a B2B OAuth provider.
Patch Changes
Admin Portal's Okta SAML SSO configuration can now be manually configured
Released 2024-10-24
Patch Changes
Admin Portal's SSO configuration page now has improved IdP specific instructions.
Released 2024-10-22
Patch Changes
Remove unused errorMessage field.
Released 2024-10-16
Patch Changes
Fix issue removing all SSO implicit role assignments via Admin Portal organization settings
Released 2024-10-14
Patch Changes
Fix Google One Tap for B2B
Released 2024-10-08
Minor Changes
Add Role Assignments component to Admin Portal's SCIM management component
Patch Changes
Add support for external SSO connections to Admin Portal
Fix race condition when entering phone number
Released 2024-10-02
Minor Changes
Add ability to create and update external SSO connections
Patch Changes
Ensure errors are caught when certain network requests fail in Admin Portal
Improve discovery menu UI for longer organization names
Improve Error messages for Admin Portal components
Fix edit SCIM group role assignments in Admin Portal's Automatic Role Assignments section
Released 2024-09-17
Patch Changes
Allow users to perform actions for their own account in Admin portal's Member management
In Admin Portal the Automatic Role assignments section's Save button is disabled if no changes are made.
Improve UX for Admin Portal SCIM configure
Custom redirect URL query parameters are no longer cleared
Remove Vessel from B2C Setup a new crypto wallet screen
Warn members that they cannot edit their own email address in the Admin Portal
Released 2024-09-06
Minor Changes
- Add Admin Portal SCIM UI. The Admin Portal SCIM UI can be rendered using the mountAdminPortalSCIM function from @stytch/vanilla-js/b2b/adminPortal.
Patch Changes
Added focus/hover to search bar in Admin Portal
Improved navigation in Admin Portal
Improved UX in Admin Portal
Improved UX for Admin Portal's Organization Settings
Left align Add Role assignment button in Admin Portal Org settings
Admin Portal buttons are now more consistent
Admin Portal's improved Switch component
Admin Portal tables now use fixed widths
Warn members before they remove their own ability to assign roles in Admin Portal
Reordered components in Admin Portal Member Management details
Released 2024-08-29
Minor Changes
Support HubSpot and Slack as B2B OAuth providers
Patch Changes
Handle discovered organizations supporting JIT provisioning by OAuth tenant
Released 2024-08-28
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-08-26
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-08-23
Minor Changes
- Invoke StytchEventType.AuthenticateFlowComplete when authentication UI flows are complete. This includes any steps that take place after obtaining a valid session, like saving recovery codes after MFA enrollment.
Patch Changes
Fix font size for AdminPortalOrgSettings heading
Released 2024-08-21
Major Changes
Upgrades the Vanilla JS SDK to use a new backend implementation with increased performance, support tooling, and end-to-end observability
Released 2024-08-21
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-08-14
Patch Changes
Update strings in Admin Portal UI
Released 2024-08-14
Minor Changes
Implements Sign in With Ethereum (SIWE) for crypto wallets
Adds ability to view and unlink retired emails to HeadlessB2BOrganizationClient and HeadlessB2BSelfClient.
Released 2024-08-12
Patch Changes
Mark Admin Portal Organization UI config properties as optional
Fix bug when organization has no active SCIM connections
Released 2024-08-09
Minor Changes
Add container.borderWidth and container.padding to the Admin Portal style configuration
Support custom role display names and descriptions in organization settings and SSO Admin Portal components
Patch Changes
Honor more custom themed input and button properties
Added SCIM groups to Admin portal Organization settings
Released 2024-08-06
Patch Changes
Guard references to localStorage and sessionStorage
Released 2024-08-05
Patch Changes
Fix transparent watermark background
Released 2024-08-02
Minor Changes
Add Admin Portal Member Management UI. The Admin Portal Member Management UI can be rendered using the mountAdminPortalMemberManagement function from @stytch/vanilla-js/b2b/adminPortal.
Updated theme config to support disabled buttons
Adds dfppaDomain to optional SDK client configuration
Patch Changes
Fix visual bug for Powered by Stytch banner
Fixed adding an SSO connection with no groups in Admin Portal Organization settings
Update Admin Portal font sizes and spacings
Fix Admin Portal styling conflicts with other applications using Material UI
Hide secondary authentication organization settings when not configurable in Admin Portal
Released 2024-07-25
Minor Changes
Add SCIM Headless Methods
Released 2024-07-25
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-07-19
Minor Changes
- Add Admin Portal Org Settings UI. The Admin Portal Org Settings UI can be rendered using the mountAdminPortalOrgSettings function from @stytch/vanilla-js/b2b/adminPortal.
Patch Changes
Allow users to change number of rows per page in Admin Portal tables
Released 2024-07-12
Patch Changes
Prevent login UI buttons from submitting parent forms
Improve role selection in Admin Portal
Released 2024-07-11
Patch Changes
fix: SSO DFPPA Functionality
Gracefully handle narrower widths with phone number input
Released 2024-07-02
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-06-28
Minor Changes
- Add Admin Portal SSO UI. The Admin Portal SSO UI can be rendered using the mountAdminPortalSSO function from @stytch/vanilla-js/b2b/adminPortal.
Patch Changes
Improve error messages when entering phone number.
Released 2024-06-27
Patch Changes
Fix phone input attribute and autocomplete warnings
Update recovery code download file to include organization name
Released 2024-06-18
Patch Changes
Improved error message for EML in B2B UI component
Released 2024-06-06
Minor Changes
Give each OAuth provider a customScopes and providerParams in UI component config
Released 2024-05-29
Patch Changes
Svg icons will now resize properly
Updated Icons in Login and EML inbox flows to be vanilla SVGs.
Fix empty or block when there are no SSO connections
Updated UI for the Stytch Watermark.
Released 2024-05-13
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-05-07
Patch Changes
Loosen typings for various options to accept both string literals and TypeScript enums
Show error when slug is missing or no slug pattern matches during B2B Organization auth flow
Released 2024-04-26
Minor Changes
- Add stytch.organization.getBySlug method to B2B clients
Released 2024-04-25
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-04-25
Minor Changes
B2B Google One Tap is now available in the Javascript SDK and pre-built UI components!
You can enable One Tap in the UI components by editing the B2BOAuthOptions in your UI config - we've updated the providers type to accommodate One Tap. If you add { type: 'google', one_tap: true } to your providers list, we'll show the Google One Tap prompt in the top right of the user's browser.
In the Javascript SDK, you can use the stytch.oauth.googleOneTap.start() and stytch.oauth.googleOneTap.discovery.start() methods to render the One Tap prompt, depending on if you are using an organization-specific or discovery flow.
Released 2024-04-23
Patch Changes
Ensure we display friendly error messages where possible
Released 2024-04-18
Minor Changes
Add stytch.onStateChange event listener to headless clients
Add getInfo method to user, session, member, and organization
Released 2024-04-12
Minor Changes
Enable FedCM for use with Google One Tap by default. For users using supported browsers (including Google Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers), Google One Tap will now use FedCM to provide a sign in experience using native browser prompts.
Due to changes in Google's One Tap SDK, this affects One Tap using both floating and embedded positioning. Notably, users of Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers will no longer see a embedded One Tap UI by default. Google will begin to remove support for this UI later this year. We recommend adopting the new default behavior, but we have added new position options if you require different behavior:
- floating remains the default option and uses Google's One Tap SDK's default behavior. It uses FedCM (native browser UI) where available, or renders a floating UI in the top right corner otherwise.
- floatingOrEmbedded uses FedCM where available, or renders an embedded UI in the existing SDK login form otherwise. This is the new default behavior of the embedded position, which has been deprecated and renamed for clarity.
- embeddedOnly renders the embedded UI in the existing SDK login form if FedCM is not available, or not at all otherwise. This option is not recommended for new applications. For applications that used embedded positioning and do not want to show floating or native browser UI, this option may be useful.
- forceLegacyEmbedded retains the legacy behavior by disabling FedCM support even where it is available. This option is not recommended and will stop being honored by Google in the future, at which time you will need to select a different option.
The embedded position will still be recognized and treated as floatingOrEmbedded, but we recommend updating your configuration to use the new name or a different option.
Released 2024-04-11
Patch Changes
Fix an issue where a B2B member enrolled in MFA with an unverified phone number was prompted to re-enter a phone number instead of the OTP that was sent to verify their number
Released 2024-04-02
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-04-02
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-03-27
Patch Changes
Fix race condition that could lead to high CPU usage with multiple tabs open
Released 2024-03-22
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-03-18
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-03-18
Patch Changes
Added DFP functionality to users search in passwords screen
Released 2024-03-12
Patch Changes
Ensure API errors are handled internally
Released 2024-03-12
Minor Changes
Release RN B2C UI
Released 2024-03-04
Minor Changes
- Add support for SMS OTP and TOTP MFA flows in B2B login UI components. This includes prompting members to complete MFA when they are required to use it to authenticate, and enrolling members who are required to enroll in MFA but have not yet done so. The new mfaProductOrder and mfaProductInclude options can be used to customize the experience further.
Released 2024-03-01
Patch Changes
Disable use of FedCM with Google OneTap
Released 2024-02-27
Patch Changes
Fix incorrect imports
Released 2024-02-13
Patch Changes
Fixed a display bug for B2B on host websites modifying box-sizing
Released 2024-02-08
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-02-08
Patch Changes
Fix encoding of Solana wallet signatures in UI components
Released 2024-02-06
Minor Changes
- Add disableCreateOrganization option to B2B UI config
Released 2024-02-02
Patch Changes
Work around an issue where cookies intermittently do not persist in Firefox
Released 2024-01-31
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-01-29
Patch Changes
Fix an issue where ISTs were being deleted before they could be used
Released 2024-01-25
Patch Changes
Re-order and align phone number country code list with allowed countries
Released 2024-01-22
Minor Changes
Adds headless methods for interacting with b2b recovery codes
Released 2024-01-19
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-01-18
Patch Changes
- Honor hideHeaderText configuration for B2B UI
Released 2024-01-12
Minor Changes
Add support for theming inputs in UI components
Released 2024-01-09
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2024-01-04
Minor Changes
- Add organization.getSync and organization.onChange methods to B2B client
Released 2024-01-04
Patch Changes
Fix B2B discovery flow when SSO is enabled with auth methods besides magic links
Released 2024-01-03
Patch Changes
- Fix an issue where fromCache would not update to false after cached data was refreshed
Released 2024-01-02
Minor Changes
Add B2B TOTPs (Create/Authenticate)
Major Changes
Improvements to error types in the JS and React Native SDKs
Minor Changes
- Mark stytch.member as deprecated in favor of stytch.self Adds RBAC functionality
Patch Changes
Allow "Login without a password" to immediately login a user who followed a valid password reset link
Remove bundled dependencies from package manifest
Released 2023-12-04
Patch Changes
Adding better handling for Passkey cross device errors.
Released 2023-11-29
Patch Changes
Switch from using React to Preact
Released 2023-11-27
Patch Changes
Add an updated config object for logging members in directly when they have a single membership
Released 2023-11-21
Patch Changes
Remove phone number dependency to improve bundle size in vanilla-js
Add an optional config property in the B2B SDK to skip the discovery flow if a member is part of a single organization
Released 2023-11-17
Patch Changes
Add Update/Delete Registrations UI
Passkeys: Add Update/Delete Registration UI
Released 2023-11-14
Minor Changes
Enable passthrough OAuth paramters from UI configuration
Released 2023-11-07
Patch Changes
fix: AbortController Logic Passkey Authenticate
Released 2023-11-07
Minor Changes
B2C Passkeys Headless Support & UI components
Released 2023-10-31
Patch Changes
Remove PasswordEMLCombinedDiscovery
Resolved a critical severity vulnerability with the @babel/traverse dependency
Released 2023-10-26
Patch Changes
Update B2B Password Reset by Session to stay logged in
remove unnecessary organization_id param from passwords.resetBySession in B2B client
Minor copy change on the B2B Passwords UI component
Released 2023-10-10
Patch Changes
Bug fix for clearing the local storage state and cookies when a stale session exists while using the SDK across subdomains
Released 2023-10-04
Major Changes
Change export of B2B Headless Client to separate subpackage to improve tree-shaking performance
import { StytchB2BHeadlessClient } from '@stytch/vanilla-js/b2b';
Is now updated to
import { StytchB2BHeadlessClient } from '@stytch/vanilla-js/b2b/headless';
Released 2023-09-29
Patch Changes
Don't delete cookies from datalayer, let SubscriptionService handle instead.
Released 2023-09-22
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-09-20
Minor Changes
Add DFP Protectd Auth JS final release
Patch Changes
Add Device Fingerprinting to the React Native SDK
Don't delete cookies from the datalayer just because the localstorage is empty
Add support for Observation and decisioning mode for DFP
Released 2023-09-19
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-09-19
Minor Changes
Add Device Fingerprinting Bot Detection to SDKs
Released 2023-09-06
Patch Changes
Add new option to confiugre domain cookie should be set to
Fixed a display bug on host websites modifying box-sizing
fix bug with alignment of PhoneInput
Released 2023-08-30
Patch Changes
Fix PKCE logic for password resets log in without password flow
Released 2023-08-29
Patch Changes
updateStateAndTokens call in resetBySession and resetExistingPassword
fix bug where password reset email for returning passwordless user is not sent
Released 2023-08-28
Patch Changes
Add docs for new verified fields on Member objects, and fix some docs links
Released 2023-08-14
Patch Changes
Define behavior for when SSO is only allowed auth method during discovery
Released 2023-08-08
Major Changes
Breaking Changes: The intermediate session token (IST) will no longer be accepted as an argument for the discovery list organizations, intermediate sessions exchange, and create organization via discovery endpoints. The IST will be passed in automatically. ISTs are stored as browser cookies or persisted on device when they are generated after calls to discovery authenticate endpoints, such as email magic link discovery authenticate, or primary authenticate endpoints in the case where MFA is required, such as email magic link authenticate or SSO authenticate.
New Features: Our B2B product now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) with one-time passcodes (OTPs) via SMS. MFA policies can be set on the Organization level or on the Member level. See the Stytch docs for more information.
Released 2023-08-03
Patch Changes
- Updated UI to include error message for breached passwords. Added missing breach_detection_on_create key in the strength check response
Released 2023-08-01
Patch Changes
Updated types for the password strength method. Updated UI for the password strength check while using LUDS
Released 2023-07-19
Patch Changes
Yahoo OAuth Fix (build)
Released 2023-07-19
Patch Changes
Yahoo OAuth
Released 2023-07-14
Minor Changes
The intermediate session token will now be stored as a cookie after calls to the B2B magic link discovery authenticate endpoint and the OAuth discovery authenticate endpoint.
Released 2023-07-12
Patch Changes
Added new OAuth Providers
Released 2023-07-12
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-07-11
Patch Changes
Update input type and mode for OTPs
Released 2023-06-30
Patch Changes
Fix a bug where Floating One Tap stays around after StytchLogin unmounts.
Released 2023-06-28
Patch Changes
Exposes API errors to the UI when attempting to create a new password instead of logging in with a passwordless method
Released 2023-06-27
Major Changes
- An additional configuration property to let developers render the Stytch SDK UI through the Shadow DOM. This is a major version change on the @stytch/vanilla-js package as the previous versions would render the UI through the Shadow DOM by default. It will now default to false. When the Shadow DOM is disabled, this also fixes an issue with the SDK UI to allow for emails and passwords to be auto-filled, along with support for browser password managers.
Released 2023-06-23
Patch Changes
update the consumer password flow to not let users change their email while signing up or logging in with their password
Add B2B OAuth
B2B OAuth UI
Released 2023-06-14
Patch Changes
Fixes a bug with autocomplete in email fields on mobile.
Released 2023-06-13
Patch Changes
bug fix for the B2B SDK UI: only showing the allowed auth methods when an organization has restricted auth methods
Released 2023-06-06
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-05-31
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-05-26
Minor Changes
B2B Passwords UI components
Released 2023-05-19
Patch Changes
Fix for the onEvent callback while creating a new organization in the B2B SDK UI. Missing export for the nextjs B2B package
Released 2023-05-09
Patch Changes
Fix support for the Passwords UI flow when developers have enabled LUDS in their passwords strength check config
Released 2023-05-05
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-05-02
Patch Changes
Fixed a bug in the Consumer UI component while trying to click on the "Login without a password" button on the Forgot Password screen
Fixes for minor styling issues in our consumer SDK UI components
Released 2023-04-28
Minor Changes
Releasing UI components for our B2B SDKs.
Released 2023-04-24
Patch Changes
Allow for empty strings in token/JWT
Released 2023-04-17
Minor Changes
Add B2B Passwords headless client
Patch Changes
Make organization name and slug optional for discovery organization create
Released 2023-04-12
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-04-12
Patch Changes
Add locale argument to B2B email magic link methods
Released 2023-04-06
Patch Changes
Include the b2b directory in package.json for the B2B SDK entrypoint
Released 2023-03-31
Patch Changes
Fixes for bugs in the session logic when users are logged into multiple tabs
Add Session.updateSession to hydrate sessions from the backend
Released 2023-03-29
Minor Changes
Add B2B Discovery headless client and session exchange method
Released 2023-03-24
Patch Changes
Adding logic to ensure there is only a single session cookie when the availableToSubdomains boolean is flipped
Released 2023-03-23
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-03-23
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-03-21
Patch Changes
Fix session/user persisting after logging out
Released 2023-03-21
Patch Changes
SDK-877 Fix session/user persisting after logging out
Released 2023-03-15
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-03-09
Patch Changes
Added Google One Tap to the Headless OAuth Client
Released 2023-03-09
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-03-07
Patch Changes
Add React Native OAuth callback, PKCE fix
Released 2023-03-06
Patch Changes
UI bugfixes
Released 2023-03-01
Minor Changes
Launching B2B SDKs
Released 2023-02-22
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-02-17
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-02-10
Patch Changes
Fix cookie options
Released 2023-02-07
Patch Changes
Release Stytch Client Options
Released 2023-02-01
Patch Changes
Fix one tap floating bug
Released 2023-01-28
Minor Changes
Fix Google One Tap
Released 2023-01-20
Minor Changes
Add support for template ID parameters to Magic link Login or create and Send methods, Email OTP Login or create and Send methods, and Reset Password Start
Patch Changes
Bold email on confirmation screen
Released 2023-01-17
Patch Changes
Fix bug with PKCE code verifiers being shared over multiple methods
Released 2022-12-22
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2022-12-13
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2022-12-13
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2022-11-07
Patch Changes
Fix bug with divider not showing for passwords
Released 2022-10-31
Minor Changes
new styling config
Patch Changes
Add type definitions for User Metadata fields
Released 2022-10-07
Patch Changes
Add support for custom email domains in magic link confirmation screen
Released 2022-10-06
Patch Changes
Google one tap animation
Released 2022-09-30
Patch Changes
Send methods in the SDK
Next.js SDK
Released 2024-09-06
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalSCIM component component to @stytch/nextjs/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-08-21
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v5.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
- Updated API routes to use for live and for test, replacing If you use Content Security Policy (CSP) headers, ensure the URL is updated. This was done to reduce the number of network calls and simplify internal routing, resulting in faster API response times—improving request speeds by up to 40 milliseconds roundtrip.
Released 2024-08-12
Patch Changes
Load Admin Portal components from vanilla-js directly
Released 2024-08-09
Patch Changes
Fix admin portal component props
Released 2024-08-06
Patch Changes
Guard references to localStorage and sessionStorage
Released 2024-08-02
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalMemberManagement component to @stytch/nextjs/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-07-19
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalOrgSettings component to @stytch/nextjs/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-06-28
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalSSO component to @stytch/nextjs/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-06-06
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.12.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2024-04-18
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.9.0 or later.
Major Changes
- Update minimum peer dependency on @stytch/vanilla-js to ^4.9.0
Released 2024-03-12
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.7.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2024-01-31
Patch Changes
- Fix B2B headless entrypoint to import @stytch/vanilla-js rather than bundle it
Released 2024-01-04
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.2.0 or later.
Minor Changes
- Add useStytchOrganization hook for B2B
Released 2024-01-03
Patch Changes
- Fix an issue where fromCache would not update to false after cached data was refreshed
Released 2024-01-02
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.1.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-12-18
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.0.0 or later.
Minor Changes
- Mark stytch.member as deprecated in favor of stytch.self Adds RBAC functionality
Released 2023-11-14
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v3.2.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-11-07
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v3.1.0 or later.
Minor Changes
B2C Passkeys Headless Support & UI components
Released 2023-10-04
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v3.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
Change export of B2B Headless Client to seperate subpackage to improve tree-shaking performance
Two public export locations have changed:
import { createStytchB2BHeadlessClient } from '@stytch/nextjs/b2b';
Is now updated to
import { createStytchB2BHeadlessClient } from '@stytch/vanilla-js/b2b/headless';
import { createStytchB2BUIClient } from '@stytch/nextjs/b2b';
Is now updated to
import { createStytchB2BUIClient } from '@stytch/vanilla-js/b2b/ui';
Released 2023-09-20
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v2.2.0 or later.
Patch Changes
Add Device Fingerprinting to the React Native SDK
Released 2023-09-19
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v2.1.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-08-28
Patch Changes
Add docs for new verified fields on Member objects, and fix some docs links
Released 2023-08-08
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v2.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
Breaking Changes: The intermediate session token (IST) will no longer be accepted as an argument for the discovery list organizations, intermediate sessions exchange, and create organization via discovery endpoints. The IST will be passed in automatically. ISTs are stored as browser cookies or persisted on device when they are generated after calls to discovery authenticate endpoints, such as email magic link discovery authenticate, or primary authenticate endpoints in the case where MFA is required, such as email magic link authenticate or SSO authenticate.
New Features: Our B2B product now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) with one-time passcodes (OTPs) via SMS. MFA policies can be set on the Organization level or on the Member level. See the Stytch docs for more information.
Released 2023-07-14
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v1.1.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-06-27
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v1.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-06-27
Patch Changes
Exclude @stytch/vanilla-js/b2b in rollup
Released 2023-05-26
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.14.0 or later.
Minor Changes
B2B Passwords UI components
Released 2023-05-19
Patch Changes
Fix for the onEvent callback while creating a new organization in the B2B SDK UI. Missing export for the nextjs B2B package
Released 2023-05-01
Patch Changes
Missing export in the nextjs SDK for the UI component
Released 2023-04-28
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.13.0 or later.
Minor Changes
Releasing UI components for our B2B SDKs.
Released 2023-04-17
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.12.0 or later.
Patch Changes
Make organization name and slug optional for discovery organization create
Released 2023-04-12
Patch Changes
Add locale argument to B2B email magic link methods
Released 2023-04-06
Patch Changes
Include the b2b directory in package.json for the B2B SDK entrypoint
Released 2023-03-29
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.11.0 or later.
Minor Changes
Add B2B Discovery headless client and session exchange method
Released 2023-03-21
Patch Changes
Fix session/user persisting after logging out
Released 2023-03-21
Patch Changes
SDK-877 Fix session/user persisting after logging out
Released 2023-03-07
Patch Changes
Add React Native OAuth callback, PKCE fix
Released 2023-03-01
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.10.0 or later.
Minor Changes
Launching B2B SDKs
Released 2023-01-28
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-01-20
Minor Changes
Add support for template ID parameters to Magic link Login or create and Send methods, Email OTP Login or create and Send methods, and Reset Password Start
Released 2022-10-31
Patch Changes
Add type definitions for User Metadata fields
Released 2022-10-07
Patch Changes
Add support for custom email domains in magic link confirmation screen
Released 2022-10-05
Patch Changes
Reset Password component
Released 2022-09-30
Patch Changes
Send methods in the SDK
React SDK
Released 2024-12-05
Patch Changes
Add DFPPA to OTP Email Login Or Create
Released 2024-09-06
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalSCIM component component to @stytch/react/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-08-21
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v5.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
- Updated API routes to use for live and for test, replacing If you use Content Security Policy (CSP) headers, ensure the URL is updated. This was done to reduce the number of network calls and simplify internal routing, resulting in faster API response times—improving request speeds by up to 40 milliseconds roundtrip.
Released 2024-08-12
Patch Changes
Load Admin Portal components from vanilla-js directly
Released 2024-08-09
Patch Changes
Fix admin portal component props
Released 2024-08-06
Patch Changes
Guard references to localStorage and sessionStorage
Released 2024-08-02
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalMemberManagement component to @stytch/react/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-07-19
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalOrgSettings component to @stytch/react/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-06-28
Minor Changes
- Add AdminPortalSSO component to @stytch/react/b2b/adminPortal
Released 2024-06-06
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.12.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2024-04-18
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.9.0 or later.
Major Changes
- Update minimum peer dependency on @stytch/vanilla-js to ^4.9.0
Released 2024-03-12
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.7.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2024-01-04
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.2.0 or later.
Minor Changes
- Add useStytchOrganization hook for B2B
Released 2024-01-03
Patch Changes
- Fix an issue where fromCache would not update to false after cached data was refreshed
Released 2024-01-02
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.1.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-12-18
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v4.0.0 or later.
Minor Changes
- Mark stytch.member as deprecated in favor of stytch.self Adds RBAC functionality
Released 2023-11-14
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v3.2.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-11-07
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v3.1.0 or later.
Minor Changes
B2C Passkeys Headless Support & UI components
Released 2023-10-04
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v3.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-09-20
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v2.2.0 or later.
Patch Changes
Add Device Fingerprinting to the React Native SDK
Released 2023-09-19
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v2.1.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-08-29
Patch Changes
updateStateAndTokens call in resetBySession and resetExistingPassword
Released 2023-08-28
Patch Changes
Add docs for new verified fields on Member objects, and fix some docs links
Released 2023-08-08
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v2.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
Breaking Changes: The intermediate session token (IST) will no longer be accepted as an argument for the discovery list organizations, intermediate sessions exchange, and create organization via discovery endpoints. The IST will be passed in automatically. ISTs are stored as browser cookies or persisted on device when they are generated after calls to discovery authenticate endpoints, such as email magic link discovery authenticate, or primary authenticate endpoints in the case where MFA is required, such as email magic link authenticate or SSO authenticate.
New Features: Our B2B product now supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) with one-time passcodes (OTPs) via SMS. MFA policies can be set on the Organization level or on the Member level. See the Stytch docs for more information.
Released 2023-07-14
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v1.1.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-06-27
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v1.0.0 or later.
Major Changes
Updated minimum peer dependency versions
Released 2023-05-26
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.14.0 or later.
Minor Changes
B2B Passwords UI components
Released 2023-04-28
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.13.0 or later.
Minor Changes
Releasing UI components for our B2B SDKs.
Released 2023-04-17
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.12.0 or later.
Patch Changes
Make organization name and slug optional for discovery organization create
Released 2023-04-12
Patch Changes
Add locale argument to B2B email magic link methods
Released 2023-04-06
Patch Changes
Include the b2b directory in package.json for the B2B SDK entrypoint
Released 2023-03-29
Migration steps
- Update @stytch/vanilla-js to v0.11.0 or later.
Minor Changes
Add B2B Discovery headless client and session exchange method
Released 2023-03-21
Patch Changes
Fix session/user persisting after logging out
Released 2023-03-21
Patch Changes
SDK-877 Fix session/user persisting after logging out
Released 2023-03-07
Patch Changes
Add React Native OAuth callback, PKCE fix
Released 2023-03-01
Minor Changes
Launching B2B SDKs
Released 2023-01-28
Patch Changes
Updated dependencies
Released 2023-01-20
Minor Changes
Add support for template ID parameters to Magic link Login or create and Send methods, Email OTP Login or create and Send methods, and Reset Password Start
Released 2022-10-31
Patch Changes
Add type definitions for User Metadata fields
Released 2022-10-07
Patch Changes
Add support for custom email domains in magic link confirmation screen
Released 2022-10-05
Patch Changes
Reset Password component doc fixes
Released 2022-09-30
Patch Changes
Send methods in the SDK