Authenticate a Member given a token. This endpoint verifies that the member completed the OAuth flow by verifying that the token is valid and hasn't expired. Provide the session_duration_minutes parameter to set the lifetime of the session. If the session_duration_minutes parameter is not specified, a Stytch session will be created with a 60 minute duration.
If the Member is required to complete MFA to log in to the Organization, the returned value of member_authenticated will be false, and an intermediate_session_token will be returned. The intermediate_session_token can be passed into the OTP SMS Authenticate endpoint to complete the MFA step and acquire a full member session. The intermediate_session_token can also be used with the Exchange Intermediate Session endpoint or the Create Organization via Discovery endpoint to join a different Organization or create a new one. The session_duration_minutes and session_custom_claims parameters will be ignored.
If a valid session_token or session_jwt is passed in, the Member will not be required to complete an MFA step.
If the Member is logging in via an OAuth provider that does not fully verify the email, the returned value of member_authenticated will be false, and an intermediate_session_token will be returned. The primary_required field details the authentication flow the Member must perform in order to complete a step-up authentication into the organization. The intermediate_session_token must be passed into that authentication flow.
We’re actively accepting requests for new OAuth providers! Please email us or post in our community if you are looking for an OAuth provider that is not currently supported.