A client-side endpoint (can only be queried from the user's browser) that starts the SSO Authentication flow. This endpoint redirects the User to the IdP with all of the information required to complete the SSO Authentication flow. From there, the user signs into their IdP before getting redirected back to Stytch. After verifying the request, Stytch immediately redirects the user back to the redirect_url configured in the dashboard.
Start SSO Login Flow
https://test.stytch.com/v1/public/sso/start?connection_id={connection_id}&public_token={public_token}Query parameters
connection_id* string
public_token* string
pkce_code_challenge string
login_redirect_url string
signup_redirect_url string
custom_scopes string
Response fields
status_code int
request_id string
redirect_url string
curl --url https://test.stytch.com/v1/public/sso/start?connection_id=saml-connection-test-51861cbc-d3b9-428b-9761-227f5fb12be9&public_token=PUBLIC_TOKEN
"status_code": 302,
"request_id": "request-id-test-b05c992f-ebdc-489d-a754-c7e70ba13141",
"redirect_url": "https://idp.example.com/51861cbc-d3b9-428b-9761-227f5fb12be9/sso/saml"