An ID Token is a security token that contains claims about theMemberissued by Stytch to a particular Connected App Client.
ID Tokens are issued by the Token Endpoint automatically when the openid scope is granted to the Client during an OAuth flow.
The contents of an ID Token depend on the scopes granted to the client:
- All ID Tokens will always contain the iss, sub, aud, exp, nbf, and iat claims.
- If the profile scope is granted, the name, given_name, family_name, profile_picture, and locale claims will be returned.
- If the email scope is granted, the email and email_verified claims will be returned.
- If the phone scope is granted, the phone_number and phone_number_verified claims will be returned.
ID tokens granted to Connected App clients are JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) signed by your Stytch project's JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) using the RS256 algorithm. They can be validated locally using any Stytch Backend SDK, or any library that supports the JWT protocol.
ID tokens are defined by the OpenID Connect Core specification.