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Bingrui Tang

January 11, 2022
Author: Stytch Team

Today is the one year anniversary of the official creation of our Design team! Bing joined us one year ago and we couldn't be more excited to celebrate her and her contributions to building Stytch's product and culture. Meet Bing!

What do you love most about working at Stytch?

Autonomy, growth, and working with great people.

What does a typical day at Stytch look like for you?

A "typical" day has evolved a lot since I started managing the [design] team. I usually structure my time on a weekly basis: Mondays and Wednesdays are for independent work; Tuesday 1:1s; Thursday team review and cross-functional collaborations; Friday following-ups and relationship-building.

What’s been the most surprising thing about Stytch?

We have surprising numbers of pet owners! Other than that, the speed of growth is still much faster than what I imagined.

Stytch has gone from 0-1 in the last year, what have been some of your biggest learnings about joining an early stage company?

There are so many! And I am still very inspired by the people I work with everyday. To list a few: establishing scalable structures even as a team of 1; asking for help before feeling the pinch; and, as we're still often communicating virtually, a little extra kindness and curiosity goes a long way.

What’s your favorite part of the Stytch culture?

I really enjoy how the team built a direct and kind communication style. I feel like I could rely on everyone for constructive feedback, while also trusting us move through challenging situations with space and grace.

Which Stytch value resonates most with you and why?

"Think exceptionally", which, in Stytch context means "avoiding the assumption that existing norms are the right path." We've heard great feedback on our website design, for example, and it is a "look and feel" that we deliberately established that feels right and true to us, v.s. something we rushed through following the trend.

What’s the most interesting project you’ve worked on at Stytch?

Designing the Design team! I enjoy puzzle games, but this is certainly far more challenging than the box of Frank Stella geometric painting puzzles I've been procrastinating on.

How did you end up becoming a product designer?

I worked in film prior to Product Design, and the idea of working on something forward, challenging, creative, yet still being able to go home at a reasonable time seemed more than perfect to me.

When’s the last time you did something for the first time and what was it?

I went ice-skating for the first time when visiting Seattle this past December, and it was so much fun! Also fascinating to watch young kids learn: some of them didn't even finish crying before they started all over again!

What song, hobby, or recipe got you through COVID?

I've been taking boxing and ballet classes. Also got quite into sewing and cooking everything at home in the past few months.

What’s your ideal weekend?

A night by the Oregon Coast, and an evening with homemade dinner, books, and tea.

What’s something you’re passionate about that’s not on your resume?

Writing, dance choreography, and apparel design. Maybe one day!

Interested in joining the design team at Stytch? Learn more about open roles, here!


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