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It's a Stytchiversary! Meet Shane O'Neill!

June 23, 2022
Author: Stytch Team

What do you love most about working at Stytch?

Our customers. I’ve had the opportunity to work with many of our earliest customers, and everyone we’ve partnered with has been an absolute joy to work with — and they are solving exciting problems across a myriad of verticals.

What does a typical day at Stytch look like for you?

Next question? Every day is something new — which makes working at Stytch so enjoyable.

What’s been the most surprising thing about Stytch?

The most surprising thing about Stytch is the speed at which we ship. Our product and engineering teams move very fast, and I’m always blown away by how many updates are included in the changelog each week. It takes a lot of focus (I enjoy it) to ensure I'm up-to-speed on our products!

Stytch has gone from 0-1 in the last year, what have been some of your biggest learnings about joining an early stage company?

Cherish the small wins and commit to the journey. There are ups and downs in every early-stage company. So celebrate the small wins throughout your early-stage voyage, and enjoy it! Too often I hear of people wanting a result without the requisite effort. Most of the fun at an early-stage company is rolling up your sleeves and committing. And long as you progress (albeit gradual at times) towards your north star, everything else will work itself out.

What’s your favorite part of the Stytch culture?

We don't take ourselves too seriously, yet at the same time, we are seriously ambitious. It's a tricky balance to strike, and we've nailed it.

Which Stytch value resonates most with you and why?

Fail Fast.

It encourages us to explore while also quickly identifying something that might fail so that we can make it a success.

What’s the most interesting project you’ve worked on at Stytch?

No one project comes to mind but working with our earliest customers was was very interesting and fun.

How did you end up working in Sales?

I went to school and studied Political Science, thinking I wanted to become a diplomat. But I was always interested in technology so I decided to make the leap after a stint in Financial Services. And I haven't looked back.

What song, hobby, or recipe got you through COVID?

I was living in a small flat in London when COVID hit. And Maison Bleue, a shop right around the corner, got me through COVID. They have delicious coffee, food, and provisions. Check out their Insta!

What’s your ideal weekend?

Sipping a coffee while reading the Financial Times weekend. Then off into the outdoors.

What’s something you’re passionate about that’s not on your resume?

Sunday Roasts. I fell in love with Sunday Roasts after spending two years in the UK. If you know of any pubs/restaurants in the Bay Area with a proper Sunday Roast, hit me up!


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