Event logs

Understand and debug your authentication flows using Stytch event logs. Below is some useful context to help you get started.


Each event log maps to a specific action, which corresponds to either a Stytch API request (e.g. MagicLinksEmailLoginOrCreate) or a meaningful dashboard request (e.g. CreatePublicToken). Actions help you understand what types of requests are being made.

The list of actions below is not exhaustive, but gives you a sense of the types of actions you can expect to see in your event logs:

  • SessionsAuthenticate or MultiTenantSessionsAuthenticate: This action will appear whenever a user's session is authenticated. Our frontend SDKS will automatically call this method to refresh and auth a user's session. SessionsAuthenticate relates to a session in our Consumer API, while MultiTenantSessionsAuthenticate relates to a session in our B2B API.
  • OAuthGoogleOneTapStart: This action will appear whenever the Google One Tap prompt is rendered, i.e. anytime a user visits a page where you display the Google One Tap prompt.
  • GetUser: This action will appear whenever a user is fetched from Stytch via GetUsers.
  • SessionsJwks: This action will appear whenever you fetch your Project's JWKS. This can be done manually, but is typically done automatically by our SDKs whenever a Stytch client is instantiated.
  • SearchUsersExternal: This action will appear whenever you call SearchUsers. This is marked external to differentiate it from the search event (SearchUsers) called by our Dashboard user search.
  • EmailDelivery: This action gives you visibility into email delivery and email opens for your users. This action will appear for successful deliveries, bounces or errors, and opens. Check out the message_status field to determine the type of event.
  • PasswordsAuthenticate: This action appears whenever a user authenticates with a password.
  • MagicLinksCreate: This action relates to our Embeddable Magic Links product. This action will appear whenever a magic link is created.
  • CryptoWalletsAuthenticateStart: This action will appear whenever a user starts the authentication flow for a crypto wallet.
  • OAuthAuthenticate: This action will appear whenever a user successfully authenticates with an OAuth provider.
  • OAuthGoogleStart: This action will appear whenever a user starts the non-One Tap authentication flow for Google.
  • SessionsRevoke: This action will appear whenever a user's session is revoked. This can happen when a user logs out or when a user's session is revoked via the API.
  • CryptoWalletsAuthenticate: This action will appear whenever a user successfully authenticates with a crypto wallet.
  • OTPsAuthenticate: This action will appear whenever a user successfully authenticates with an OTP.
  • MagicLinksAuthenticate: This action will appear whenever a user successfully authenticates with a magic link.
  • UpdateUser: This action will appear whenever a user is updated via UpdateUser.

Status types

You can filter for event logs by status type. The following status types are available:

  • start marks the start of a request. It is paired with a subsequent success or error event log.
  • success marks the completion of a successful request.
  • error marks the failure of a request.

start and success/error event logs are tied together by request ID.

Log retention

Event logs should be available within a minute upon request completion and are currently retained for 30 days.