Stytch provides sandbox values which can be used to receive sample responses in the Test environment. The sandbox values below are only available when calling the Stytch API directly. They will not work when used with a frontend or mobile Stytch SDK.
Magic Links
In some scenarios, it may be helpful to test sending a magic link without actually sending an email. You can use the email address sandbox@stytch.com to test sending a magic link. If your API credentials and the request format are correct you will receive a 200 status response, but no email will actually be sent.
You can use the following tokens in the /magic_links/authenticate endpoint and receive the corresponding responses.
- 200 Success: DOYoip3rvIMMW5lgItikFK-Ak1CfMsgjuiCyI7uuU94=
- 401 unable_to_auth_magic_link: 3pzjQpgksDlGKWEwUq2Up--hCHC_0oamfLHyfspKDFU=
- 404 magic_link_not_found: CprTtwhnRNiMBiUS2jSLcWYrfuO2POeBNdo5HhW6qTM=
One-time Passcodes (OTP)
In some scenarios, it may be helpful to test sending a One-time Passcode (OTP) without actually sending a message. You can use the phone number +10000000000, for our /otps/sms/send and /otps/whatsapp/send endpoints, and sandbox@stytch.com for our /otps/email/send endpoint, to test sending an OTP in our Test environment. If your API credentials and the request format are correct, you will receive a 200 status response but no message will actually be sent.
You can use the following code, and the method_id you received in the 200 response from /otps/xxx/send, in the /otps/authenticate endpoint and receive the corresponding response.
- 200 Success: 000000
OAuth Logins
The following tokens can be used in order to test the /v1/oauth/authenticate endpoint.
- 200 Success: hdPVZHHX0UoRa7hJTuuPHi1vlddffSnoweRbVFf5-H8g
- 400 oauth_token_not_found: 59cnLELtq5cFVS6uYK9f-pAWzBkhqZl8AvLhbhOvKNWw
Session Management
You can use the following session_tokens to test the /sessions/authenticate endpoint.
- 200 Success: WJtR5BCy38Szd5AfoDpf0iqFKEt4EE5JhjlWUY7l3FtY
- 404 session_not_found: 59cnLELtq5cFVS6uYK9f-pAWzBkhqZl8AvLhbhOvKNWw
If you pass the email address sandbox@stytch.com into the /passwords or the /passwords/authenticate endpoints, you will receive a 200 response regardless of the password value specified.
If you pass the email address sandbox@stytch.com into the /passwords/email/reset/start endpoint, you will receive a 200 response without sending an actual password reset email.
You can use the following token values to test the /passwords/email/reset endpoint:
- 200 Success: Xh8QnB4h_9Qe0d1DQcFAoW6rImuq4wBQZ-hHtwzFIg_E
- 401 unable_to_auth_magic_link: alpFprsAkyUy_Pg3WWYlKL-yGgYXspnJo0SbS3-Djuij
Crypto Wallets
The following crypto wallet address can be used in order to test the /v1/crypto_wallets/authenticate/start and /v1/crypto_wallets/authenticate endpoints along with the ethereum wallet type.
- 200 Success: 0x6df2dB4Fb3DA35d241901Bd53367770BF03123f1-H8g
Time-based One-time Passcodes (TOTP)
To test the creation of TOTPs you can use the following user_id in the Test environment with the /v1/totps endpoint. You can use the same user_id to test /v1/totps/recovery_codes as well.
- user_id: user-test-e3795c81-f849-4167-bfda-e4a6e9c280fd
You can use the following totp_codes along with the above user_id to test the /v1/totps/authenticate endpoint.
- 200 Success: 000000
- 401 unable_to_authenticate_totp: 401401
You can use the following recovery_codes along with the above user_id to test the /v1/totps/recover endpoint.
- 200 Success: a1b2-c3d4-e5f6
- 401 unable_to_authenticate_recovery_code: 0u1v-2w3x-4y5z