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Passwords Authentication

Modernize your password flow

Use our flexible API and SDKs to improve user experience and security while reducing friction in your password-based authentication flow.
Screenshot of log in request
Screenshot of sign up request

Password API

Own your UX

For complete control over your user experience, choose our direct API integration. Our clear and comprehensive docs make integration simple and seamless.
Screenshot of passwords code example


Customize our pre-built UI

Build a secure, frictionless password authentication experience that’s tailored to your brand, with minimal backend code. Our SDKs offer flexible templates so you don’t have to build UI from the ground up.
Screenshot of Survey Amp sign up or login

Strengthen passwords

Make it easy for your users to generate a strong, secure password that’s hard for bots to guess. Stytch’s built-in zxcvbn strength assessment tool is a simple way to ensure that passwords created adhere to NIST password guidelines.

Protect against breaches

Prevent your users from setting and using passwords that have been compromised. Stytch integrates with HaveIBeenPwned to track compromised credentials and trigger a password reset if needed.

Deduplicate accounts

Allow your users to change authentication methods at login, without mistakenly creating a new account.

Reduce password reset friction

Integrate a traditional email password reset flow or a more seamless one, via Email Magic Link.

How it works

A traditional solution, with modern upgrades

Meet your users where they are with password-based authentication flows reimagined for the modern era — including enhanced security features and easier onboarding.

Our platform

Explore other authentication products

Pick the product that’s most suited to your app and user experience by choosing from a range of options.